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Rockbox . Main . WpsRequestList

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Wps Request List

Here's my wishlist for the WPS - which for me and many others is the most important "face" of Rockbox...

Text formatting

  • Transition effects between different data
  • Alignment of text and images
  • Ability to use bold and italic (LinusNielsenFeltzing: This is a general font rendering issue, and not directly related to WPS)
  • Ability to use different fonts at the same time (LinusNielsenFeltzing: This is a general font rendering issue, and not directly related to WPS)
  • Ability to specify for data to be shown during songs first x seconds
  • Ability to scroll a line AFTER a certain point. eg, "%?Ia<%t9Next: %s%Ia - %It>" scrolls the next artist and track, while "Next: " remains in place.
  • Ability to specify a margin on a line (e.g. to allow space for images or to indent lines). GeoffSmith 22-Jun-05
  • Ability to specify a left, right or centre justification for items in a line (especially useful for proportional spaced fonts). GeoffSmith 22-Jun-05 DONE! -- MarkHawthorne
  • Ability to show if the current song is playing / paused / stopped without using the status bar. JakeOwen - 13 Jul 2005 -DONE
  • Ability to see if crossfade is enabled. JakeOwen - 13 Jul 2005
  • Ability to show text when a value is changed (e.g. show volume level when it is changed and then hide it afterwards). HirenShah - 02 Aug 2005
  • Enhanced conditionals for tags with multiple values, like the "repeat mode" tags. Example: %?mr<off|all|one|shuffle>. LinusNielsenFeltzing


  • Alignment of text and images
  • Position Images by X|Y where X and Y are Character Units, this would ease alignment between graphics and text, and maintain alignment if the font was changed. MarkBright
  • Ability to use animated images (and connect them to EQ output, time progress, rating etc)

Please add your requests to the list.

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Revision r1.12 - 24 Aug 2005 - 10:35 GMT - LinusNielsenFeltzing Copyright © 1999-2005 by the contributing authors.